2007年7月20日 星期五

Small size speaker but generate higher sound pressure level?

In order to increase sound pressure level, we need to vibrate more air molecule by more power under unit time.
For the two sizes speakers, the area of diaphragms of the 15mm speakers are around 176mm square (7.5*7.5*3.14),
and the 20mm size speakers are around 314mm square(10*10*3.14). The 20mm speakers are only bigger by
5 mm/ 25%, however, the diaphragm are bigger by 78%. Therefore when we input the same power, the 20mm
speakers can vibrate more air at the same time, and it result in higher sound pressure level.
Generally, the speaker in bigger size can provide lower frequency response which is better for human’s
audition. On the other side, we can also provide the smaller speakers more power to make higher sound
pressure level, but it is limited by,
1. Acceptability of the diaphragms2. Thermolysis of the speakers3. After increasing the power, frequency response will change too(because thicker diaphragm, heavier coil..etc)
Therefore, what we can do is reform the material and the structure of the speakers to increase sound pressure level,
but if it is possible to choose the bigger size, the problem of the lower sound pressure level will be improved immediately.
而20mm為(10*10*3.14=314mm平方), 直徑20mm的喇叭雖然在尺寸上只大了5mm / 25%,

1. 振膜的承受能力,
2. 喇叭散熱能力,
3. 功率加大後頻率響應特性的改變( 膜片需加厚,音圈變重....)
