2007年7月13日 星期五

The buzzer has noise 蜂鳴器有雜音

When the sound which the buzzer generates is not a clear beep sound, we call it noise or broken sound. There are two possible ways to cause the noise.
Improperly used If the voltage we input is too high, the diaphragm will easily touch other components, which causes the noise. When we set the wrong frequency instead of the rated frequency is easy to have noise. For example, if the rated frequency is 2730Hz, but the user input 2400Hz, the noise appears easily, especially within the range 10% ahead of the rated frequency.
Disqualified A diaphragm of the buzzer is just set on the braces not firmly attached. Therefore the external force will move the diaphragm and result in the noise. When we assemble the buzzer, or in the process of user’s production line, if there are some iron chippings invade into the buzzer, the noise will also be caused.

給予蜂鳴器的電壓過高: 使膜片敲打到內部的其他零件,產生零件撞擊的聲音,
使用的頻率不對: 未將頻率設訂在額定頻率上 , 例如規格是 2730Hz , 使用者卻給 2400Hz 就很容易有異音 , 尤其在額定頻率前10% 範圍最會產生異音.品質不良:
膜片異位: 電磁式蜂鳴器的膜片是"放"而非黏在支架上,故有可能因為激烈的外力使膜片跑出該在的定點,而造成雜音.
有異物侵入: 在組裝蜂鳴器,或是使用者的產線加工時,若有小鐵粉,鐵屑進入蜂鳴器內部,也會造成雜音的發生.
