2007年8月29日 星期三

The advantages of the Microphone Array 麥克風陣列的優點.

With the constant enlargement of the internet bandwidth, the internet video conference has become possible. However, the wide bandwidth does not mean high quality of sound. The consumers usually need to wear the earphones to get the clear sound effects, and it is really inconvenient for them. Therefore, VISTA has already started to support the function of microphone array, which help to record sound more clearly, and can eliminate the noise and wind shear sound in the background. Naturally, besides the support of the operating system, the computer hardware also needs to be matched. Consequently, with the collocation of the microphone array and the DSP, the consumers can easily enjoy using the web phone such as SKYPE without wearing the headsets.

The theory of the microphone array is to set more than two pieces of microphones to record the sound separately, and than the DSP will pick the tonic we want. The simplest design is to pair a unidirectional microphone and an Omni directional one, which can limit the sound receiving range at the width of 120-140 degrees in front of the microphone, and then the SPL will be reduced over 20dB beyond this conical area. This is the reason why the ambient noises can be reduced widely and hardly to be heard.
關於設計上的問題,請參考: 麥克風陣列機構設計

2007年8月19日 星期日

The key point of soldering and assembling the microphone 麥克風焊接組裝注意事項

Soldering manufactureThe diaphragm of the microphone is a very thin mylar membrane, it is easily being contracted and distorted with the high temperature. Therefore, we can only use hand-welded method to process, and the temperature of soldering iron cannot over 330°C, the welding work should be done within 2 seconds, the faster the better.The best way is arranging the skilled welders to solder one wire/ pin first, and then finish the left one after the microphone cool down, this can avoid the high temperature causing distortion of the diaphragm, the worse sound receiving results or even breaking down.Otherwise, you can entrust the manufacture to us, our factory has special manufacturing tools to help the microphone cool down. Besides, we will test the sensitivity again after soldering in order to keep the qualification and the reliable quality.
Assembling manufacturingThe microphone itself need to aim at the sound hole of the mechanism case, and being as close to the surface of the case as possible in order to gain the best receiving results.Trying to use rubber holder to separate the outside noise, especially the wires type assembling method can do good to fix the microphone on the case of the mechanism.
盡量使用Rubber holder來阻隔外部雜音,尤其是焊線式的組裝方式,也更容易牢靠的裝在機殼上,
When we fabricate the microphone, no matter adding rubber holder or not,
microphone should be pushed to the bottom of the mechanism,
to avoid a chamber forming in front of the sound hole and affecting the sound which microphone receives.

2007年8月9日 星期四

The interpretation of specification: Watt, Decibel, Hertz, and Resonance

W ( Watt ): A watt = a voltage x an ampere. For example, 330 Watt= 110V x 3 A.
V ( Volt ): V is the unit of voltage, when it needs one joule of work to sent one coulomb of electric from one point to another point, then the potential difference between these two points is one voltage. 
Ohm: Ohm is the unit of impedance in electronics, the higher the impedance is, the less electric current can pass through. 
Hz( Hertz): The frequency of the sound waves vibrate every second. For instance, 100Hz means 100 times vibration in one second. 
dB ( Decibel): dB is the unit of the sound pressure level, which is calculated with logarithm, because the susceptibility to the sound of human ears is not linear. 
Fo ( Resonance Frequency): Fo stands for the resonance point of the speaker. The lower the Fo is, the efficiency of the low frequency is better. 
S.P.L. ( Sound Pressure Level): The volume of the sound. 
Vo-p: The measurement from Vo to the peak, to drive the magnetic buzzer, the waveform is 1/2 square wave. 
Vp-p: The measurement from peak to peak, to drive the piezo buzzer. The waveform is square wave.
W (Watt) :瓦特, 一瓦特= 一伏特的電壓X一安培的電流, 330 Watt= 110V X 3 A.
V (Voltage): 伏特,表示電壓的單位,將一庫侖電荷由一點送到另一點,若須作一焦耳的功,則稱二點間之電位差為一伏特.
ohm : 歐姆,表示電子學上電阻阻抗的單位,阻抗愈高,能通過的電流愈少.
Hz (Hertz): 赫茲,波在每秒振動的次數, 100Hz = 一秒振動100次.
dB (deciBel) : 分貝, 表示音量大小的單位,是以對數算出來的,因為人耳對聲音的敏感度不是線性的.
Fo (Resonance Frequency) : 共振,用來表示喇叭的諧振點,頻率愈低,喇叭低頻的效果會愈好.
S.P.L. (Soudn Presure Level): 音壓位準,即音壓的大小值.
V0-p : 電壓從0V到峰值,用來驅動電磁式蜂鳴器, 波形為1/2方波.
Vp-p: 電壓的峰對峰值,,常用以驅動壓電式蜂鳴器,表示為方波的波形,