The physical character of soundSound: The pressure wave which is vibrated in the elastic medium.Wave: The presentation of passing the energy from one place to another place.Wavelength: The length of one cycle of the wave.Frequency: The amount of the cycles within one second. Measurement is Hz.Period: The total time to complete a cycle.Velocity: The speed of the motion of the wave.Velocity = Wavelength × Frequency
聲音的物理特性聲音(Sound): 在彈性介質(Elastic Medium)中受到震動而產生的壓力波.波(Wave): 將能量由一點傳遞到另一點所呈理的型態.波長(Wavelength): 一次循環在空間中所佔據的長度.頻率(Frequency): 在一秒中內所完成的循環數(Cycle). 單位是Hz.週期(Period): 用來完成一個循環(Cycle)所需的時間.波速(Velocity): 波運動的速度.波速 = 波長 * 頻率
The velocity of sound are associated with the medium.Density: The higher density medium results in higher velocity.Elasticity: The higher elasticity medium results in higher velocity.Energy: In the atmosphere, the higher temperature results in higher velocity, the formula as following:Vs = 331 m/s + 0.6tTherefore, at 20℃, the velocity is 331+20*0.6=343 m/sec.
音速的快慢與介質有關, 密度(Density) : 通常在密度愈高的介質中,音速會愈快.彈性(Elasticity): 通常在彈性愈高的介質中,音速會愈快.能量(Energy): 在空氣中,溫度愈高,音速愈快,公式如下:Vs = 331 m/s + 0.6t故20度C時,音速為 331+20*0.6=343 m/sec.
Amplitude: The measurement of a molecule moving in the medium, it stands for the sound pressure level.Root Mean Square: The root is 0.707 times of the biggest amplitude.Average: 0.637 times of the biggest amplitude.Resonate Frequency: The frequency of the object vibrating.Free field: A clear space, without any reflection waves.
振幅(Amplitude): 某分子在介質中位移的測量值,用來表示聲音的音量.RMS ( Root Mean Square) 方均根值是最大振幅的0.707倍平均值(Average) : 最大振幅的0.637倍並嗚頻率(Resonate Frequency): 物體振動的自然頻率.自然音場(Free Field) : 沒有障礙物,沒有反射聲波的音場/空間.
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