How to choose a buzzer
There are many different kinds of buzzer to choose, first we need to know a few parameters, such as voltage, current, drive method, dimension, mounting type, and the most important thing is how much SPL and frequency we want.Operating voltage: Normally, the operating voltage for a magnetic buzzer is from 1.5V to 24V, for a piezo buzzer is from 3V to 220V. However, in order to get enough SPL, we suggest giving at least 9V to drive a piezo buzzer.Consumption current: According to the different voltage, the consumption current of a magnetic buzzer is from dozens to hundreds of mill amperes; oppositely, the piezo type saves much more electricity, only needs a few mill amperes, and consumes three times current when the buzzer start to work.Driving method: Both magnetic and piezo buzzer have self drive type to choose. Because of the internal set drive circuit, the self drive buzzer can emit sound as long as connecting with the direct current. Due to the different work principle, the magnetic buzzer need to be driven by 1/2 square waves, and the piezo buzzer need square waves to get better sound output.Dimension: The dimension of the buzzer affects its SPL and the frequency, the dimension of the magnetic buzzer is from 7 mm to 25 mm; the piezo buzzer is from 12 mm to 50 mm, or even bigger.Connecting way: Dip type, Wire type, SMD type, and screwed type for big piezo buzzer are usually seen.SPL: Buzzer is usually tested the SPL at the distance of 10 cm, if distance double, the SPL will decay about 6 dB; oppositely, the SPL will increase 6 dB when the distance is shortened by one time. The SPL of the magnetic buzzer can reach to around 85 dB/ 10 cm; the piezo buzzer can be designed to emit very loud sound, for example, the common siren, are mostly made of piezo buzzer.
Introduction of magnetic buzzer - Introduction of piezo buzzer
蜂鳴器的種類規格繁多,需先知道幾個參數 ( 電壓,電流,驅動方式,尺寸,連接/固定方式),當然更重要的是,想要獲的聲音 (音壓大小,頻率高低),
工作電壓: 電磁式的蜂鳴器, 從1.5到24V, 壓電式的從3V到220V都是可行的,但一般壓電的還是建議有9V以上的電壓,以獲得較大的聲音.
消耗電流: 電磁式的依電壓的不同,從幾十到上百毫安培都有,壓電式的就省電的多,幾毫安培就可以正常的動作, 且在蜂鳴器啟動時,瞬間需消耗約三倍的電流,
驅動方式: 二種蜂鳴器都有自激式的,只要接上直流電(DC)即可發聲,因為已內建了驅動線路在蜂鳴器中了,因為動作原理的不同,電磁式蜂鳴器要用1/2方波來驅動,壓電的用方波,才能有較好的聲音輸出.
尺寸: 蜂鳴器的尺寸會影響到音量的大小,頻率的高低,電磁式的最小從7mm到最大的25mm,壓電式的從12mm到50mm或更大都有.
連接方式: 一般常見的有插針(DIP), 焊線(Wire), 貼片(SMD), 壓電式大顆的還有鎖螺絲的方式.
音壓: 蜂鳴器常以10cm的距離做為測試的標準,距離增加一倍,大概會衰減6dB, 反之距離縮短一倍則會增加6dB,電磁式蜂鳴器大約能達到85dB / 10cm的水準,壓電式的就可以做的很大聲,常見的警報器,大都是以壓電蜂鳴器製成.
以苙翔的料號, 用量最大的電磁式蜂鳴器AC-1205G為例
C = 一體式,底部有封環氧樹脂的蜂鳴器, 另有AS = 分體式,底部沒封膠,一般頻率為2000左右,不可過錫爐. AX表內含驅動線路(自激式).AD表SMD的.
12 = 直徑,單位是mm, 還有6.7, 9.0, 9.6, 14, 16, 25mm的,並有多種高度選擇
05 = 額定工作電壓, 還有1.5, 3.0, 3.5, 5, 6, 9, 12, 24V.
G = 直流阻抗
A = AATC 苙翔科技
Z = Piezo 壓電式蜂鳴器
14 = 直徑, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17,.....50規格非常多.
40 = 額定的頻率, 40表4KHz,
S = Self drive 自激式,內含線路的, E 表他激, 外部驅動.
P = Pin type, 還有W- Wire, APD-SMD的
2007年12月2日 星期日
2007年11月8日 星期四
Design guide of Microphone Array 麥克風陣列的機構設計

The position of the microphones should be set far away from the source of noise which comes from the product itself, such as fans, keyboards, speakers, or CD-ROM drives, etc. Besides, the microphones are requested to aim at the user, and should be as close to them as possible.
Considering the space of the mechanism design, there are two methods to install the microphones:
1. The stacking typeWhen the microphone array is consisted of an omnidirectional microphone and a unidirectional one, the position of the main sound hole should be set in the middle of the two microphones. Then another secondary sound hole is requested to set for the rear vent of the unidirectional microphone to receive sound.
1. 堆疊式
1. The stacking typeWhen the microphone array is consisted of an omnidirectional microphone and a unidirectional one, the position of the main sound hole should be set in the middle of the two microphones. Then another secondary sound hole is requested to set for the rear vent of the unidirectional microphone to receive sound.
1. 堆疊式

2. The side by side type
The two microphones should be set as close to each other as possible, or use one sound hole. Besides, the rear vent of the unidirectional microphone also needs to keep unobstructed in order to receive the sound.
2. 並列式
The two microphones should be set as close to each other as possible, or use one sound hole. Besides, the rear vent of the unidirectional microphone also needs to keep unobstructed in order to receive the sound.
2. 並列式

2007年10月11日 星期四
Is the more sensitive microphone the better? 麥克風的靈敏度愈高愈好嗎?
The sensitivity of the microphone is one of the most important factors, which affects the receiving result. The higher the sensitivity is, the higher the SPL can be received.Different from the production process of other products, the microphone is selected and sorted by its sensitivity after producing. We cannot get 1000pcs of what we need in sensitivity from just inputting 1000pcs of microphones’ material on the production line. Therefore, in order to avoid discontinuing the production, we had better choose the spec. usually with the sensitivity of -40 to -44, which is popular and easily produced.About the volume, we can still improve it by modifying the circuit, such as the impedance, the voltage, and the amplification factor.We suggest that do not choose a special spec. with very high or low sensitivity at first, or the problem of lead time and lacking of material might happen.
2007年9月20日 星期四
The reason why the speaker emit noise喇叭產生異音的原因
To analyze the usage, there are a few reasons explain why the speakers emit buzz sound or noise:1. Speaker is a passive component, and the drive circuit decides the sound. Therefore, giving the correct power and waveform to the speaker is the basic request.The too large power will lead to the too big amplitude of the diaphragm. The slight problem is distortion, but the serious problem is that the diaphragm might hit the mechanism or the magnet and cause the buzz sound. The basic waveform to drive the speaker is sine wave, if we give square wave or other waves, the efficiency of the speaker will reduce and easily get heated, the buzz sound may happen as a matter of course.
2. The enclosure design of the product will also affect the quality of the sound. The well designed enclosure can improve the frequency response curve of the speaker.The area of sound apertures of the enclosure at least request over 1/8 area of the surface. We need to keep enough vibration space between the case and the diaphragm to avoid the diaphragm hitting the case when it works and emits the noise.
2. The enclosure design of the product will also affect the quality of the sound. The well designed enclosure can improve the frequency response curve of the speaker.The area of sound apertures of the enclosure at least request over 1/8 area of the surface. We need to keep enough vibration space between the case and the diaphragm to avoid the diaphragm hitting the case when it works and emits the noise.
2007年8月29日 星期三
The advantages of the Microphone Array 麥克風陣列的優點.

With the constant enlargement of the internet bandwidth, the internet video conference has become possible. However, the wide bandwidth does not mean high quality of sound. The consumers usually need to wear the earphones to get the clear sound effects, and it is really inconvenient for them. Therefore, VISTA has already started to support the function of microphone array, which help to record sound more clearly, and can eliminate the noise and wind shear sound in the background. Naturally, besides the support of the operating system, the computer hardware also needs to be matched. Consequently, with the collocation of the microphone array and the DSP, the consumers can easily enjoy using the web phone such as SKYPE without wearing the headsets.

The theory of the microphone array is to set more than two pieces of microphones to record the sound separately, and than the DSP will pick the tonic we want. The simplest design is to pair a unidirectional microphone and an Omni directional one, which can limit the sound receiving range at the width of 120-140 degrees in front of the microphone, and then the SPL will be reduced over 20dB beyond this conical area. This is the reason why the ambient noises can be reduced widely and hardly to be heard.
關於設計上的問題,請參考: 麥克風陣列機構設計
關於設計上的問題,請參考: 麥克風陣列機構設計
2007年8月19日 星期日
The key point of soldering and assembling the microphone 麥克風焊接組裝注意事項

Soldering manufactureThe diaphragm of the microphone is a very thin mylar membrane, it is easily being contracted and distorted with the high temperature. Therefore, we can only use hand-welded method to process, and the temperature of soldering iron cannot over 330°C, the welding work should be done within 2 seconds, the faster the better.The best way is arranging the skilled welders to solder one wire/ pin first, and then finish the left one after the microphone cool down, this can avoid the high temperature causing distortion of the diaphragm, the worse sound receiving results or even breaking down.Otherwise, you can entrust the manufacture to us, our factory has special manufacturing tools to help the microphone cool down. Besides, we will test the sensitivity again after soldering in order to keep the qualification and the reliable quality.
Assembling manufacturingThe microphone itself need to aim at the sound hole of the mechanism case, and being as close to the surface of the case as possible in order to gain the best receiving results.Trying to use rubber holder to separate the outside noise, especially the wires type assembling method can do good to fix the microphone on the case of the mechanism.
盡量使用Rubber holder來阻隔外部雜音,尤其是焊線式的組裝方式,也更容易牢靠的裝在機殼上,
When we fabricate the microphone, no matter adding rubber holder or not,
microphone should be pushed to the bottom of the mechanism,
to avoid a chamber forming in front of the sound hole and affecting the sound which microphone receives.
2007年8月9日 星期四
The interpretation of specification: Watt, Decibel, Hertz, and Resonance
W ( Watt ): A watt = a voltage x an ampere. For example, 330 Watt= 110V x 3 A.
V ( Volt ): V is the unit of voltage, when it needs one joule of work to sent one coulomb of electric from one point to another point, then the potential difference between these two points is one voltage.
Ohm: Ohm is the unit of impedance in electronics, the higher the impedance is, the less electric current can pass through.
Hz( Hertz): The frequency of the sound waves vibrate every second. For instance, 100Hz means 100 times vibration in one second.
dB ( Decibel): dB is the unit of the sound pressure level, which is calculated with logarithm, because the susceptibility to the sound of human ears is not linear.
Fo ( Resonance Frequency): Fo stands for the resonance point of the speaker. The lower the Fo is, the efficiency of the low frequency is better.
S.P.L. ( Sound Pressure Level): The volume of the sound.
Vo-p: The measurement from Vo to the peak, to drive the magnetic buzzer, the waveform is 1/2 square wave.
Vp-p: The measurement from peak to peak, to drive the piezo buzzer. The waveform is square wave.
W (Watt) :瓦特, 一瓦特= 一伏特的電壓X一安培的電流, 330 Watt= 110V X 3 A.
V (Voltage): 伏特,表示電壓的單位,將一庫侖電荷由一點送到另一點,若須作一焦耳的功,則稱二點間之電位差為一伏特.
ohm : 歐姆,表示電子學上電阻阻抗的單位,阻抗愈高,能通過的電流愈少.
Hz (Hertz): 赫茲,波在每秒振動的次數, 100Hz = 一秒振動100次.
dB (deciBel) : 分貝, 表示音量大小的單位,是以對數算出來的,因為人耳對聲音的敏感度不是線性的.
Fo (Resonance Frequency) : 共振,用來表示喇叭的諧振點,頻率愈低,喇叭低頻的效果會愈好.
S.P.L. (Soudn Presure Level): 音壓位準,即音壓的大小值.
V0-p : 電壓從0V到峰值,用來驅動電磁式蜂鳴器, 波形為1/2方波.
Vp-p: 電壓的峰對峰值,,常用以驅動壓電式蜂鳴器,表示為方波的波形,
V ( Volt ): V is the unit of voltage, when it needs one joule of work to sent one coulomb of electric from one point to another point, then the potential difference between these two points is one voltage.
Ohm: Ohm is the unit of impedance in electronics, the higher the impedance is, the less electric current can pass through.
Hz( Hertz): The frequency of the sound waves vibrate every second. For instance, 100Hz means 100 times vibration in one second.
dB ( Decibel): dB is the unit of the sound pressure level, which is calculated with logarithm, because the susceptibility to the sound of human ears is not linear.
Fo ( Resonance Frequency): Fo stands for the resonance point of the speaker. The lower the Fo is, the efficiency of the low frequency is better.
S.P.L. ( Sound Pressure Level): The volume of the sound.
Vo-p: The measurement from Vo to the peak, to drive the magnetic buzzer, the waveform is 1/2 square wave.
Vp-p: The measurement from peak to peak, to drive the piezo buzzer. The waveform is square wave.
W (Watt) :瓦特, 一瓦特= 一伏特的電壓X一安培的電流, 330 Watt= 110V X 3 A.
V (Voltage): 伏特,表示電壓的單位,將一庫侖電荷由一點送到另一點,若須作一焦耳的功,則稱二點間之電位差為一伏特.
ohm : 歐姆,表示電子學上電阻阻抗的單位,阻抗愈高,能通過的電流愈少.
Hz (Hertz): 赫茲,波在每秒振動的次數, 100Hz = 一秒振動100次.
dB (deciBel) : 分貝, 表示音量大小的單位,是以對數算出來的,因為人耳對聲音的敏感度不是線性的.
Fo (Resonance Frequency) : 共振,用來表示喇叭的諧振點,頻率愈低,喇叭低頻的效果會愈好.
S.P.L. (Soudn Presure Level): 音壓位準,即音壓的大小值.
V0-p : 電壓從0V到峰值,用來驅動電磁式蜂鳴器, 波形為1/2方波.
Vp-p: 電壓的峰對峰值,,常用以驅動壓電式蜂鳴器,表示為方波的波形,
2007年7月29日 星期日
The advantages of the Rubber Holder - 使用Rubber Holder的好處
Microphone is a component to receive the sound, therefore it is possible to receive any other sound
which happens near the microphone at the same time, for instant, when we touch the casing;
or the sound made from the fan, the keystroke, and the speaker. However, the rubber holder can
be very helpful to reduce this vibration of sound when the microphone receive the sound, and gives better results.
There are many specifications of holders can meet our microphones without new molding. However,
if you have any special requests for the mechanism, we can also mold for you or offer the useful suggestion on acoustic.
而Rubber Holder可以隔離這些振動,聲音,至少可大幅的衰減之,
which happens near the microphone at the same time, for instant, when we touch the casing;
or the sound made from the fan, the keystroke, and the speaker. However, the rubber holder can
be very helpful to reduce this vibration of sound when the microphone receive the sound, and gives better results.
There are many specifications of holders can meet our microphones without new molding. However,
if you have any special requests for the mechanism, we can also mold for you or offer the useful suggestion on acoustic.
而Rubber Holder可以隔離這些振動,聲音,至少可大幅的衰減之,
2007年7月20日 星期五
Small size speaker but generate higher sound pressure level?
In order to increase sound pressure level, we need to vibrate more air molecule by more power under unit time.
For the two sizes speakers, the area of diaphragms of the 15mm speakers are around 176mm square (7.5*7.5*3.14),
and the 20mm size speakers are around 314mm square(10*10*3.14). The 20mm speakers are only bigger by
5 mm/ 25%, however, the diaphragm are bigger by 78%. Therefore when we input the same power, the 20mm
speakers can vibrate more air at the same time, and it result in higher sound pressure level.
Generally, the speaker in bigger size can provide lower frequency response which is better for human’s
audition. On the other side, we can also provide the smaller speakers more power to make higher sound
pressure level, but it is limited by,
1. Acceptability of the diaphragms2. Thermolysis of the speakers3. After increasing the power, frequency response will change too(because thicker diaphragm, heavier coil..etc)
Therefore, what we can do is reform the material and the structure of the speakers to increase sound pressure level,
but if it is possible to choose the bigger size, the problem of the lower sound pressure level will be improved immediately.
而20mm為(10*10*3.14=314mm平方), 直徑20mm的喇叭雖然在尺寸上只大了5mm / 25%,
1. 振膜的承受能力,
2. 喇叭散熱能力,
3. 功率加大後頻率響應特性的改變( 膜片需加厚,音圈變重....)
For the two sizes speakers, the area of diaphragms of the 15mm speakers are around 176mm square (7.5*7.5*3.14),
and the 20mm size speakers are around 314mm square(10*10*3.14). The 20mm speakers are only bigger by
5 mm/ 25%, however, the diaphragm are bigger by 78%. Therefore when we input the same power, the 20mm
speakers can vibrate more air at the same time, and it result in higher sound pressure level.
Generally, the speaker in bigger size can provide lower frequency response which is better for human’s
audition. On the other side, we can also provide the smaller speakers more power to make higher sound
pressure level, but it is limited by,
1. Acceptability of the diaphragms2. Thermolysis of the speakers3. After increasing the power, frequency response will change too(because thicker diaphragm, heavier coil..etc)
Therefore, what we can do is reform the material and the structure of the speakers to increase sound pressure level,
but if it is possible to choose the bigger size, the problem of the lower sound pressure level will be improved immediately.
而20mm為(10*10*3.14=314mm平方), 直徑20mm的喇叭雖然在尺寸上只大了5mm / 25%,
1. 振膜的承受能力,
2. 喇叭散熱能力,
3. 功率加大後頻率響應特性的改變( 膜片需加厚,音圈變重....)
2007年7月13日 星期五
The buzzer has noise 蜂鳴器有雜音
When the sound which the buzzer generates is not a clear beep sound, we call it noise or broken sound. There are two possible ways to cause the noise.
Improperly used If the voltage we input is too high, the diaphragm will easily touch other components, which causes the noise. When we set the wrong frequency instead of the rated frequency is easy to have noise. For example, if the rated frequency is 2730Hz, but the user input 2400Hz, the noise appears easily, especially within the range 10% ahead of the rated frequency.
Disqualified A diaphragm of the buzzer is just set on the braces not firmly attached. Therefore the external force will move the diaphragm and result in the noise. When we assemble the buzzer, or in the process of user’s production line, if there are some iron chippings invade into the buzzer, the noise will also be caused.
給予蜂鳴器的電壓過高: 使膜片敲打到內部的其他零件,產生零件撞擊的聲音,
使用的頻率不對: 未將頻率設訂在額定頻率上 , 例如規格是 2730Hz , 使用者卻給 2400Hz 就很容易有異音 , 尤其在額定頻率前10% 範圍最會產生異音.品質不良:
膜片異位: 電磁式蜂鳴器的膜片是"放"而非黏在支架上,故有可能因為激烈的外力使膜片跑出該在的定點,而造成雜音.
有異物侵入: 在組裝蜂鳴器,或是使用者的產線加工時,若有小鐵粉,鐵屑進入蜂鳴器內部,也會造成雜音的發生.
Improperly used If the voltage we input is too high, the diaphragm will easily touch other components, which causes the noise. When we set the wrong frequency instead of the rated frequency is easy to have noise. For example, if the rated frequency is 2730Hz, but the user input 2400Hz, the noise appears easily, especially within the range 10% ahead of the rated frequency.
Disqualified A diaphragm of the buzzer is just set on the braces not firmly attached. Therefore the external force will move the diaphragm and result in the noise. When we assemble the buzzer, or in the process of user’s production line, if there are some iron chippings invade into the buzzer, the noise will also be caused.
給予蜂鳴器的電壓過高: 使膜片敲打到內部的其他零件,產生零件撞擊的聲音,
使用的頻率不對: 未將頻率設訂在額定頻率上 , 例如規格是 2730Hz , 使用者卻給 2400Hz 就很容易有異音 , 尤其在額定頻率前10% 範圍最會產生異音.品質不良:
膜片異位: 電磁式蜂鳴器的膜片是"放"而非黏在支架上,故有可能因為激烈的外力使膜片跑出該在的定點,而造成雜音.
有異物侵入: 在組裝蜂鳴器,或是使用者的產線加工時,若有小鐵粉,鐵屑進入蜂鳴器內部,也會造成雜音的發生.
2007年7月3日 星期二
About waterproof speaker 防水喇叭
Generally speaking, a paper diaphragm speaker is easily to have the problem of molding or distortion in a humid environment, and is certainly damaged in the water. On the other hand, the mylar diaphragm speaker is normally waterproof that it can work with drip, fog, or even slightly in the water if we use the rubber ring to fix the diaphragm instead of paper ring.
Another important thing is that all the diaphragms of the speakers are very thin, and the pressure of water might distort even break the diaphragm if it is too deep.
In conclusion, the mechanism design is also very important, especially the joint should be completely sealed in order to reach waterproof function.
Another important thing is that all the diaphragms of the speakers are very thin, and the pressure of water might distort even break the diaphragm if it is too deep.
In conclusion, the mechanism design is also very important, especially the joint should be completely sealed in order to reach waterproof function.
2007年6月29日 星期五
The difference between the self drive and external drive buzzers
The difference between the self drive and external drive buzzersDepend on the driving signal, the buzzer divide into self drive and external drive. However inner circuit/ no circuit, DC/ AC, and active/ passive are all mean the same.
The design of the self drive buzzer is to set the circuit inside the buzzer and just offer the direct current to work. The inner circuit has the designed frequency and voltage for the buzzer to generate sound, therefore the frequency of the self drive buzzer is fixed. However the frequency is still different from each buzzer, normally is 2300Hz, the acceptable range is +/-300Hz.
However, the external drive buzzer needs to be drove by the signal of 1/2 square wave V 0-p (magnetic type), or square wave V p-p (piezo buzzer)
It is convenient to use a self drive buzzer, but the disadvantages are the higher cost, the higher defective rate and the unchangeable frequency.
如:內含(不含)線路,直流DC/交流AC Type, 有源(無源),
但每顆蜂鳴器間的頻率仍會有些差異,一般常見的是2300Hz, 頻率上下300Hz都算可接受的範圍,
而他激的蜂鳴器,需由外部線路給予1/2方波V 0-p(電磁式),或方波Vp-p(壓電式)的信號,才會發聲,
The design of the self drive buzzer is to set the circuit inside the buzzer and just offer the direct current to work. The inner circuit has the designed frequency and voltage for the buzzer to generate sound, therefore the frequency of the self drive buzzer is fixed. However the frequency is still different from each buzzer, normally is 2300Hz, the acceptable range is +/-300Hz.
However, the external drive buzzer needs to be drove by the signal of 1/2 square wave V 0-p (magnetic type), or square wave V p-p (piezo buzzer)
It is convenient to use a self drive buzzer, but the disadvantages are the higher cost, the higher defective rate and the unchangeable frequency.
如:內含(不含)線路,直流DC/交流AC Type, 有源(無源),
但每顆蜂鳴器間的頻率仍會有些差異,一般常見的是2300Hz, 頻率上下300Hz都算可接受的範圍,
而他激的蜂鳴器,需由外部線路給予1/2方波V 0-p(電磁式),或方波Vp-p(壓電式)的信號,才會發聲,
2007年6月26日 星期二
Introducing the enclosure of speaker 喇叭音箱介紹
Reflex Enclosure 反射式音箱:
It is the most popular design. When the diaphragm of the speaker generates sound, the sound waves which are reflexed from the rear board will be sent out by the reflex pipes. The size and length of the reflex holes and pipes all affect the extension of low frequency, therefore according to the character of the speaker, we should design proper holes and pipes in order to get the best speed and the extension of low frequency.
Closed Enclosure 密閉式音箱:
The enclosure is entirely sealed. This design will decrease the operating efficiency even though the low frequent voice is good. Therefore in order to get better control, we must give high power to operate it or the speed of the low frequency will be delayed.
其音箱完全採密閉式,雖然能獲得不錯的低頻音色 設計方式會大大降低喇叭的效率,若要獲得良好的控制力,就必須採用超大功率來推用,否則其低頻的速度感會有遲頓的現象。
Passive Radiator Enclosure 背輻式音箱:
A kind of closed enclosure, mainly adds another low frequent speaker. When it vibrates to generate sound, the passive radiator diaphragm is pushed by air. The disadvantage is low efficiency and speed.
Isobaric Type Enclosure 等壓式音箱:
It is able to increase the low frequent energy, but the closed design causes the low efficiency. When the two speakers work at the same time, if the sound is out of phase, it affects the results as well.
Transmission Line Enclosure 傳輸式音箱:
The transmission line enclosure extends the low frequency by a long wave guide; however the over-length of the wave guide may lower the speed of the low frequency.
The structure of specialized enclosure 專業用音箱結構:
Reflex Enclosure 反射式音箱:
The design principle is the same as household reflex enclosure.
Horn type Enclosure 號角式音箱:
Because of the good diffusivity characteristic of the horn type enclosure, the low-pitched sound is extruded first then sent by the horn to the far place. At the outdoor concert, it is difficult to send the normal low frequency, therefore, we need to use the horn type enclosure to extrude the low frequency and send it. The disadvantage is the worse low frequency extend.
利用號角擴散性佳的特色,先將低音予以擠壓,再經由號角的擺盪,能將聲音傳送較遠處。在戶外大型的演唱會上,一般的低頻並無法傳送較遠處,因此必須藉由號角的擠壓將低頻傳送出去低音。 缺點為低頻延伸較差。
The enclosures we introduced above can not be completely applied in all the electronic products, it is for consultation; we need to face and solve more problems in reality.但是,以上介紹卻無法完全應用在現在電子產品上,只能參考與活用,原因已經在上述說明,且小speaker參數必須用實際搭配來試,現實問題較多.
It is the most popular design. When the diaphragm of the speaker generates sound, the sound waves which are reflexed from the rear board will be sent out by the reflex pipes. The size and length of the reflex holes and pipes all affect the extension of low frequency, therefore according to the character of the speaker, we should design proper holes and pipes in order to get the best speed and the extension of low frequency.
Closed Enclosure 密閉式音箱:
The enclosure is entirely sealed. This design will decrease the operating efficiency even though the low frequent voice is good. Therefore in order to get better control, we must give high power to operate it or the speed of the low frequency will be delayed.
其音箱完全採密閉式,雖然能獲得不錯的低頻音色 設計方式會大大降低喇叭的效率,若要獲得良好的控制力,就必須採用超大功率來推用,否則其低頻的速度感會有遲頓的現象。
Passive Radiator Enclosure 背輻式音箱:
A kind of closed enclosure, mainly adds another low frequent speaker. When it vibrates to generate sound, the passive radiator diaphragm is pushed by air. The disadvantage is low efficiency and speed.
Isobaric Type Enclosure 等壓式音箱:
It is able to increase the low frequent energy, but the closed design causes the low efficiency. When the two speakers work at the same time, if the sound is out of phase, it affects the results as well.
Transmission Line Enclosure 傳輸式音箱:
The transmission line enclosure extends the low frequency by a long wave guide; however the over-length of the wave guide may lower the speed of the low frequency.
The structure of specialized enclosure 專業用音箱結構:
Reflex Enclosure 反射式音箱:
The design principle is the same as household reflex enclosure.
Horn type Enclosure 號角式音箱:
Because of the good diffusivity characteristic of the horn type enclosure, the low-pitched sound is extruded first then sent by the horn to the far place. At the outdoor concert, it is difficult to send the normal low frequency, therefore, we need to use the horn type enclosure to extrude the low frequency and send it. The disadvantage is the worse low frequency extend.
利用號角擴散性佳的特色,先將低音予以擠壓,再經由號角的擺盪,能將聲音傳送較遠處。在戶外大型的演唱會上,一般的低頻並無法傳送較遠處,因此必須藉由號角的擠壓將低頻傳送出去低音。 缺點為低頻延伸較差。
The enclosures we introduced above can not be completely applied in all the electronic products, it is for consultation; we need to face and solve more problems in reality.但是,以上介紹卻無法完全應用在現在電子產品上,只能參考與活用,原因已經在上述說明,且小speaker參數必須用實際搭配來試,現實問題較多.
2007年6月23日 星期六
The way to drive a buzzer 蜂鳴器的驅動方式
For a self- drive buzzer ( DC/ circuit- built), either pizeo or magnetic just apply the rated current and voltage.
For the external-drive buzzer, it depends on,
1. We should give magnetic buzzer 1/2 square wave, and provide it at least 3 times the amount of the rated consumptive current.
2. Otherwise, we give square wave to the peizo buzzer instead of 1/2 square wave, because the half wave might cause the buzzer does not work.
Therefore, voltage control is an important factor for a peizo buzzer which is driven by the voltage.
若是自激式Self-drive (DC/內含線路circuit-bulit in )的蜂鳴器,不管是電磁,還是壓電的,給予額定的電流及電壓即可,
電磁式蜂鳴器(Magnetic Buzzer)應給予1/2方波(square wave),及在啟動時,確保至少有三倍於額定消耗電流的電流,
壓電式蜂鳴器(Piezo Buzzer)的則給予方波, 若給1/2方波,極可能不會動作,因為只有半週的動作,
For the external-drive buzzer, it depends on,
1. We should give magnetic buzzer 1/2 square wave, and provide it at least 3 times the amount of the rated consumptive current.
2. Otherwise, we give square wave to the peizo buzzer instead of 1/2 square wave, because the half wave might cause the buzzer does not work.
Therefore, voltage control is an important factor for a peizo buzzer which is driven by the voltage.
若是自激式Self-drive (DC/內含線路circuit-bulit in )的蜂鳴器,不管是電磁,還是壓電的,給予額定的電流及電壓即可,
電磁式蜂鳴器(Magnetic Buzzer)應給予1/2方波(square wave),及在啟動時,確保至少有三倍於額定消耗電流的電流,
壓電式蜂鳴器(Piezo Buzzer)的則給予方波, 若給1/2方波,極可能不會動作,因為只有半週的動作,
2007年6月13日 星期三
The sound which microphone received is too low 麥克風收到的聲音太小
There are three reason might cause the problems,
1. Lower sensitivity of microphone
The sensitivity of the condenser microphone is from -36 dB to -48 dB (0dB= 1V/Pa). If we use -44 dB microphones, the sound will be lower.
2. Defective design of amplifier
The impedance for the amplifier will affect the sensitivity and the frequency response.
Normally, the higher the impedance is, the better the sensitivity will be. However if the impedance is too high to get enough voltage/current, the high frequency response may get worse.
The lower the impedance is, the lower the SPL will be. The too much current will cause the insufficient voltage.
Input higher voltage will increase the sensitivity. Depend on the design of the amplifier and the frequency, the sensitivity might increases around 0.3 dB to 0.6 dB by 1 V.
3. Defective design of mechanism
The over-length or curved sound receiving holes leads to lower or unnatural sound.
1. 麥克風的靈敏度偏低
電容式麥克風的靈敏度大概介於-36 ~ -48dB之間(0dB=1V/Pa),若採用-44dB的麥克風,則可能收音的聲音會較小,
2. 放大線路設計不良
3. 機構設計不良
1. Lower sensitivity of microphone
The sensitivity of the condenser microphone is from -36 dB to -48 dB (0dB= 1V/Pa). If we use -44 dB microphones, the sound will be lower.
2. Defective design of amplifier
The impedance for the amplifier will affect the sensitivity and the frequency response.
Normally, the higher the impedance is, the better the sensitivity will be. However if the impedance is too high to get enough voltage/current, the high frequency response may get worse.
The lower the impedance is, the lower the SPL will be. The too much current will cause the insufficient voltage.
Input higher voltage will increase the sensitivity. Depend on the design of the amplifier and the frequency, the sensitivity might increases around 0.3 dB to 0.6 dB by 1 V.
3. Defective design of mechanism
The over-length or curved sound receiving holes leads to lower or unnatural sound.
1. 麥克風的靈敏度偏低
電容式麥克風的靈敏度大概介於-36 ~ -48dB之間(0dB=1V/Pa),若採用-44dB的麥克風,則可能收音的聲音會較小,
2. 放大線路設計不良
3. 機構設計不良
2007年6月12日 星期二
The relationship between Watt and SPL 瓦數愈大喇叭會愈大聲嗎?
Base on the premise that all the conditions are the same, if the drive circuit provides enough voltage, the speaker can generate higher sound pressure level. However, with the same voltage, but we use another speaker which applies higher rated power, it will be difficult to drive and output lower sound pressure level.
For example, a circuit can only provide the power of 8 ohm 1 W, in order to generate higher sound pressure level we collocate a 2W speaker, the SPL will be lower instead of higher. It is because with the increasing of the power, the diaphragm should be thickened. The coil also needs to be replaced by thicker wires. However, the thicker wires results in lower impedance so we have to wind a bit longer more, and that makes the coil heavier than before. Oppositely, if we use another speaker which loads lower power or with lower impedance, it is likely to make a little bit higher SPL, however the noise or burning down will possibly happen in this condition.
例如,線路只能發出8ohm 1W的功率,想要更大聲而換用2W的喇叭,反而會小聲,
For example, a circuit can only provide the power of 8 ohm 1 W, in order to generate higher sound pressure level we collocate a 2W speaker, the SPL will be lower instead of higher. It is because with the increasing of the power, the diaphragm should be thickened. The coil also needs to be replaced by thicker wires. However, the thicker wires results in lower impedance so we have to wind a bit longer more, and that makes the coil heavier than before. Oppositely, if we use another speaker which loads lower power or with lower impedance, it is likely to make a little bit higher SPL, however the noise or burning down will possibly happen in this condition.
例如,線路只能發出8ohm 1W的功率,想要更大聲而換用2W的喇叭,反而會小聲,
2007年6月7日 星期四
Piezo buzzer VS Magnetic buzzer
There are two types of buzzers, piezo and magnetic type.
A piezo buzzer generates sound because of the piezoelectric effect from the piezoelectric ceramic which drives the metallic diaphragm to vibrate. A magnetic buzzer is based on the electromagnetic principle, the metal diaphragm is pulled when input the power, and spring back without power.
The piezo buzzer is driven by square waves, and the magnetic buzzer needs 1/2 square waves to drive.
We suggest inputting higher voltage for a piezo buzzer, normally over 9V to have enough SPL. On the other hand, a magnetic buzzer can be driven to generate 85 dB by only 1.5V, but the consumption of the current will be much higher than Piezo one.
To compare the two types of buzzers, the magnetic type can have lower frequency response with the same dimension.
Though being limited by the dimension, the SPL of a magnetic buzzer can only reach to 90 dB. The piezo buzzer can achieve the SPL of 120 dB in some spec., some larger size can also easily reach to 100 dB.
電磁式蜂鳴器的音壓一般最多到90dB, 壓電的有些規格,可以達到120dB以上,較大尺寸的也很容易達到100dB.
A piezo buzzer generates sound because of the piezoelectric effect from the piezoelectric ceramic which drives the metallic diaphragm to vibrate. A magnetic buzzer is based on the electromagnetic principle, the metal diaphragm is pulled when input the power, and spring back without power.
The piezo buzzer is driven by square waves, and the magnetic buzzer needs 1/2 square waves to drive.
We suggest inputting higher voltage for a piezo buzzer, normally over 9V to have enough SPL. On the other hand, a magnetic buzzer can be driven to generate 85 dB by only 1.5V, but the consumption of the current will be much higher than Piezo one.
To compare the two types of buzzers, the magnetic type can have lower frequency response with the same dimension.
Though being limited by the dimension, the SPL of a magnetic buzzer can only reach to 90 dB. The piezo buzzer can achieve the SPL of 120 dB in some spec., some larger size can also easily reach to 100 dB.
電磁式蜂鳴器的音壓一般最多到90dB, 壓電的有些規格,可以達到120dB以上,較大尺寸的也很容易達到100dB.
2007年6月3日 星期日
What should I do to the noise? 有雜音怎麼辦?
The noise of an electret condenser microphone mostly comes from:電容式麥克風雜音大部份的原因來自於:
1. Impure current sourceIf the direct current mix with the alternating current signal, we will hear a stable level, low frequency and continual noise. We can lead the power to the microphone directly, or set a non-join circuit to filter the AC signal to improve the situation.
1. 電源不乾淨若是電源不乾淨(DC電中摻雜了AC信號),就會聽的到一個頻率穩定的雜音(通常是低頻),雜音音量的大小也差不多. 可改從電源處直接拉來給麥克風使用,或是加上退交聯線路,將AC信號濾掉.
2. Mechanism designThe faulty mechanism design might cause the wind sheer sound or resonant sound. Normally a deep curved sound hole is good to prevent the ESD, but it has some bad influence on the sound; for example, it is good for some frequency but some other frequencies might be declined. Therefore we may get unnatural sound with buzz or noise.
2. 機構設計不良機構設計不來可能會造成有風切聲,或是共鳴的聲音,太深又彎折的音孔,雖然有利於ESD的防範,但對聲音卻有很不好的影響,會對某些頻率增益,對另一些頻率則會衰減,使音色不自然,造成聽起來有嗡嗡聲或雜音的感覺.
3. The noise from signalMicrophone is a component to receive sound, which can receive wider frequency range than human ears. Both high and low frequency signal will transform into noise as a form of harmonic waves after being received. An obvious example is that the noise happens when the cell phone and the blue tooth are set too closely. Therefore when we design the microphone circuit, we should keep it away from the antenna or other components which might radiate signal.
3. 信號的干擾麥克風是收音的零件,能接受的信號範圍遠大於人耳,故一些高低頻信號在接受到後,可能會以諧波的方式,形成一些雜音,最明顯的例子就是與手機或是藍芽等裝置太過接近是就會有雜音出現,麥克風在設計電路時,要盡量與會發射信號的零件或天線保持遠的距離.
4. Outer noiseGenerally, the main noise is the sound of the wind. The users complain about the unclear sound because the higher join capacity receives the sound of the wind or breath. Modifying the join capacity (normally around 0.022~0.1 u) can solve this problem.On the other hand, if the outer sound (exclude the main sound) is too louder, it means the sensitivity of the microphone or the loading impedance is too high, what we can do is change to a low sensitive microphone or to decrease the loading impedance.
4. 外界雜音 一般此雜音都是風聲為主,使用者會抱怨聲音不清楚,很混濁,原因是麥克風交聯電容過大,把風聲或呼吸聲(氣音) 都收入而產生,只要把麥克風交聯電容改小(一般 0.022 ~ 0.1u )就可解決.如果是外界聲音(主要聲音以外的聲音)太大,表示麥克風感度過大,可改用低感度麥克風,或是因為麥克風的負載電阻太大 ,將負載電阻將低即可.
1. Impure current sourceIf the direct current mix with the alternating current signal, we will hear a stable level, low frequency and continual noise. We can lead the power to the microphone directly, or set a non-join circuit to filter the AC signal to improve the situation.
1. 電源不乾淨若是電源不乾淨(DC電中摻雜了AC信號),就會聽的到一個頻率穩定的雜音(通常是低頻),雜音音量的大小也差不多. 可改從電源處直接拉來給麥克風使用,或是加上退交聯線路,將AC信號濾掉.
2. Mechanism designThe faulty mechanism design might cause the wind sheer sound or resonant sound. Normally a deep curved sound hole is good to prevent the ESD, but it has some bad influence on the sound; for example, it is good for some frequency but some other frequencies might be declined. Therefore we may get unnatural sound with buzz or noise.
2. 機構設計不良機構設計不來可能會造成有風切聲,或是共鳴的聲音,太深又彎折的音孔,雖然有利於ESD的防範,但對聲音卻有很不好的影響,會對某些頻率增益,對另一些頻率則會衰減,使音色不自然,造成聽起來有嗡嗡聲或雜音的感覺.
3. The noise from signalMicrophone is a component to receive sound, which can receive wider frequency range than human ears. Both high and low frequency signal will transform into noise as a form of harmonic waves after being received. An obvious example is that the noise happens when the cell phone and the blue tooth are set too closely. Therefore when we design the microphone circuit, we should keep it away from the antenna or other components which might radiate signal.
3. 信號的干擾麥克風是收音的零件,能接受的信號範圍遠大於人耳,故一些高低頻信號在接受到後,可能會以諧波的方式,形成一些雜音,最明顯的例子就是與手機或是藍芽等裝置太過接近是就會有雜音出現,麥克風在設計電路時,要盡量與會發射信號的零件或天線保持遠的距離.
4. Outer noiseGenerally, the main noise is the sound of the wind. The users complain about the unclear sound because the higher join capacity receives the sound of the wind or breath. Modifying the join capacity (normally around 0.022~0.1 u) can solve this problem.On the other hand, if the outer sound (exclude the main sound) is too louder, it means the sensitivity of the microphone or the loading impedance is too high, what we can do is change to a low sensitive microphone or to decrease the loading impedance.
4. 外界雜音 一般此雜音都是風聲為主,使用者會抱怨聲音不清楚,很混濁,原因是麥克風交聯電容過大,把風聲或呼吸聲(氣音) 都收入而產生,只要把麥克風交聯電容改小(一般 0.022 ~ 0.1u )就可解決.如果是外界聲音(主要聲音以外的聲音)太大,表示麥克風感度過大,可改用低感度麥克風,或是因為麥克風的負載電阻太大 ,將負載電阻將低即可.
2007年5月31日 星期四
The advantages of the electret condenser microphone 電容式麥克風的優點
1. Transform sound into electric signal- The best design in theory:
The design of electret condenser microphones is based on the theorem that we use charging and discharging motion
between electric capacity conductors. When the ultra-thin or gold-plating Mylar diaphragm response to the sound
pressure level, it changes the static electricity between the conductors into electric signal directly. Then we can gain
a proper output of impedance and sensitivity by the electric circuit coupling.
2. The characteristic of reappearing the original sound:
To reappear the original sound is the highest performance for the acoustic specialist to achieve. If we check the basic
design of the microphone, we can find a electret condenser microphone can transform the sound into electric signal
directly, because it is not only manufactured with accurate mechanism technique, but also combine complicated electric
circuit. Therefore, with the excellent characteristic in advance, the electret condenser microphone must be your best choice.
3. Very wild frequency response:
Diaphragm is a main component of a microphone to sense the sound and to transform it into the electric signal.
The material and the mechanical design of the diaphragm decide the acoustics of a microphone. Due to the material
of the diaphragm is very thin and light, and can transform the sound into electric signal directly; the range of the
frequency response can reach to the ultra-low frequency (under 10 Hz), and the high frequency can also gets to
supersonic easily, which shows the characteristic of wild frequency response.
The diaphragm of the dynamic microphone loads a sound coil which is hundreds times heavier than itself. (Left picture)
The diaphragm of the electret condenser microphone works without any load. (Right picture)
The design of electret condenser microphones is based on the theorem that we use charging and discharging motion
between electric capacity conductors. When the ultra-thin or gold-plating Mylar diaphragm response to the sound
pressure level, it changes the static electricity between the conductors into electric signal directly. Then we can gain
a proper output of impedance and sensitivity by the electric circuit coupling.
2. The characteristic of reappearing the original sound:
To reappear the original sound is the highest performance for the acoustic specialist to achieve. If we check the basic
design of the microphone, we can find a electret condenser microphone can transform the sound into electric signal
directly, because it is not only manufactured with accurate mechanism technique, but also combine complicated electric
circuit. Therefore, with the excellent characteristic in advance, the electret condenser microphone must be your best choice.
3. Very wild frequency response:
Diaphragm is a main component of a microphone to sense the sound and to transform it into the electric signal.
The material and the mechanical design of the diaphragm decide the acoustics of a microphone. Due to the material
of the diaphragm is very thin and light, and can transform the sound into electric signal directly; the range of the
frequency response can reach to the ultra-low frequency (under 10 Hz), and the high frequency can also gets to
supersonic easily, which shows the characteristic of wild frequency response.
The diaphragm of the dynamic microphone loads a sound coil which is hundreds times heavier than itself. (Left picture)
The diaphragm of the electret condenser microphone works without any load. (Right picture)
2007年5月16日 星期三
Basic vocabulary in acoustics / 聲學的基本名辭
The physical character of soundSound: The pressure wave which is vibrated in the elastic medium.Wave: The presentation of passing the energy from one place to another place.Wavelength: The length of one cycle of the wave.Frequency: The amount of the cycles within one second. Measurement is Hz.Period: The total time to complete a cycle.Velocity: The speed of the motion of the wave.Velocity = Wavelength × Frequency
聲音的物理特性聲音(Sound): 在彈性介質(Elastic Medium)中受到震動而產生的壓力波.波(Wave): 將能量由一點傳遞到另一點所呈理的型態.波長(Wavelength): 一次循環在空間中所佔據的長度.頻率(Frequency): 在一秒中內所完成的循環數(Cycle). 單位是Hz.週期(Period): 用來完成一個循環(Cycle)所需的時間.波速(Velocity): 波運動的速度.波速 = 波長 * 頻率
The velocity of sound are associated with the medium.Density: The higher density medium results in higher velocity.Elasticity: The higher elasticity medium results in higher velocity.Energy: In the atmosphere, the higher temperature results in higher velocity, the formula as following:Vs = 331 m/s + 0.6tTherefore, at 20℃, the velocity is 331+20*0.6=343 m/sec.
音速的快慢與介質有關, 密度(Density) : 通常在密度愈高的介質中,音速會愈快.彈性(Elasticity): 通常在彈性愈高的介質中,音速會愈快.能量(Energy): 在空氣中,溫度愈高,音速愈快,公式如下:Vs = 331 m/s + 0.6t故20度C時,音速為 331+20*0.6=343 m/sec.
Amplitude: The measurement of a molecule moving in the medium, it stands for the sound pressure level.Root Mean Square: The root is 0.707 times of the biggest amplitude.Average: 0.637 times of the biggest amplitude.Resonate Frequency: The frequency of the object vibrating.Free field: A clear space, without any reflection waves.
振幅(Amplitude): 某分子在介質中位移的測量值,用來表示聲音的音量.RMS ( Root Mean Square) 方均根值是最大振幅的0.707倍平均值(Average) : 最大振幅的0.637倍並嗚頻率(Resonate Frequency): 物體振動的自然頻率.自然音場(Free Field) : 沒有障礙物,沒有反射聲波的音場/空間.
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聲音的物理特性聲音(Sound): 在彈性介質(Elastic Medium)中受到震動而產生的壓力波.波(Wave): 將能量由一點傳遞到另一點所呈理的型態.波長(Wavelength): 一次循環在空間中所佔據的長度.頻率(Frequency): 在一秒中內所完成的循環數(Cycle). 單位是Hz.週期(Period): 用來完成一個循環(Cycle)所需的時間.波速(Velocity): 波運動的速度.波速 = 波長 * 頻率
The velocity of sound are associated with the medium.Density: The higher density medium results in higher velocity.Elasticity: The higher elasticity medium results in higher velocity.Energy: In the atmosphere, the higher temperature results in higher velocity, the formula as following:Vs = 331 m/s + 0.6tTherefore, at 20℃, the velocity is 331+20*0.6=343 m/sec.
音速的快慢與介質有關, 密度(Density) : 通常在密度愈高的介質中,音速會愈快.彈性(Elasticity): 通常在彈性愈高的介質中,音速會愈快.能量(Energy): 在空氣中,溫度愈高,音速愈快,公式如下:Vs = 331 m/s + 0.6t故20度C時,音速為 331+20*0.6=343 m/sec.
Amplitude: The measurement of a molecule moving in the medium, it stands for the sound pressure level.Root Mean Square: The root is 0.707 times of the biggest amplitude.Average: 0.637 times of the biggest amplitude.Resonate Frequency: The frequency of the object vibrating.Free field: A clear space, without any reflection waves.
振幅(Amplitude): 某分子在介質中位移的測量值,用來表示聲音的音量.RMS ( Root Mean Square) 方均根值是最大振幅的0.707倍平均值(Average) : 最大振幅的0.637倍並嗚頻率(Resonate Frequency): 物體振動的自然頻率.自然音場(Free Field) : 沒有障礙物,沒有反射聲波的音場/空間.
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2007年5月10日 星期四
Advanced Acoustic Technology Corp.
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The blog is bulid for our customers and staffs,
to discuss any topic about acoustic or components,
Our main products:
Magnetic Buzzer, Piezo Buzzer, Condenser Microphone, Micro Speaker,
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The blog is bulid for our customers and staffs,
to discuss any topic about acoustic or components,
Our main products:
Magnetic Buzzer, Piezo Buzzer, Condenser Microphone, Micro Speaker,
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