Piezo Element
The good points to choose piezo element is that the cost is lower than others and you can design the sound chamber to reach a special sound. However, during assemblage, the experienced skill of soldering wires is strictly demanded, otherwise large defective products such as small sound, soundless, deviated frequency or electric leakage might happen. Defects are resulted from:
The good points to choose piezo element is that the cost is lower than others and you can design the sound chamber to reach a special sound. However, during assemblage, the experienced skill of soldering wires is strictly demanded, otherwise large defective products such as small sound, soundless, deviated frequency or electric leakage might happen. Defects are resulted from:
Piezo element and chamber both have their resonance points. How to match the two resonance points to get loud SPL and wide frequency range, the mechanical design has become a test. Material, thickness, size and depth of the sound hole and the capacity of chamber are the factors which will affect the chamber’s resonance.
The bad fix method
There are two methods for fixing the piezo elements:

Nodal mounting method
This method is to fix the nodal diameter of buzzer element to the supporting ring of the plate; better SPL can be obtained. Finding the pivot and resonance frequency of element, then the piezo element will have max vibration and SPL.
Circumference Fixing Method
This method is to fix the outside circumference of the buzzer element to the supporting right of the plate. Wide frequency range can be obtained, and easier to design. For these two methods, flexible adhesive such as silicon should be used between the buzzer element and the support ring.
Defective soldering
During the soldering, the size and position of the solder point should be the same. The temperature and pressure should be well controlled to avoid badly soldering, which will cause short circuit or insufficient isolated impedance. Besides, the iron need to be separated for the two solder points, because the ceramic wafer contain a large amount of lead, using the same iron will cause the fail of RoHS test.
選用壓電陶瓷蜂鳴片的好處是, 低成本,可自行設計音腔來達成特殊的聲音要求,但在組裝,焊線時的技術要求較嚴,若無相關經驗或技術,可能會有大量的不良品產生,小聲,無聲,頻率偏差,漏電都有可能會發生.這些不良大都起因於:
蜂鳴片及音腔都有各自的諧振點,如何將二個諧振點配在一起,取得最大的音壓,或是較寬的頻寬,這就考驗機構設計的能力,會影響音腔諧振的因素有: 材質, 肉厚, 音孔大小,音孔深度,音腔容積..等.
選用壓電陶瓷蜂鳴片的好處是, 低成本,可自行設計音腔來達成特殊的聲音要求,但在組裝,焊線時的技術要求較嚴,若無相關經驗或技術,可能會有大量的不良品產生,小聲,無聲,頻率偏差,漏電都有可能會發生.這些不良大都起因於:
蜂鳴片及音腔都有各自的諧振點,如何將二個諧振點配在一起,取得最大的音壓,或是較寬的頻寬,這就考驗機構設計的能力,會影響音腔諧振的因素有: 材質, 肉厚, 音孔大小,音孔深度,音腔容積..等.